Keep Yourself Sane in the Workplace

 Keep Yourself Sane in the Workplace

In this world of chaos, a place full of serenity is a bliss and it is next to impossible to find it too. So, what should we do? Stop looking for it! I say, YES. You will think I am a weirdo who is asking you to stay at your place like a statue and bear the heavy rain, unbeatable heat and the never ending winter. No no no!! I am not saying to do all this. You people are so dramatic huh! I am suggesting that you do not have to look rather build it. There is a space in your own body where you can create a world where neither no one can find you nor anyone can take you out. It is heaven on the Earth. But, to build something is a courageous task. I know you have plenty of courage and with a little bit of knowledge you can build your palace in just a few weeks. All you need is determination, will to do hard work and a vision.

Nowadays, keeping yourself sane in your office is the biggest task which requires a lot of understanding of not only the world but of ourselves too. With the following steps  you will be able to achieve the target of your blissful castle of your mind. After you start living there no one will be able to disturb you(not even your boss!) for the entire life. So, let's begin.

1. Identify Toxicity 

There are two types of energies, the positive ones and the negative ones. Sometimes the force of negativity is so high that it diminishes our positive light. Identify the source of this negativity and turn its switch off. This source could be the behavior of anyone you know, words said by somebody or some actions performed by somebody towards you. When you know the reason behind your low mood, try to be away from that reason. For e.g. do not talk to the colleague who always makes fun of you in the mean way, never go out with somebody who gaslights you or stop calling that so called friend who always gets jealous of your promotions. You are not the only one responsible to maintain healthy contacts between two people. You are here for yourself too.

2. Set Boundaries

If circumstances do not allow you too maintain a distance with toxic people , then set boundaries. Limit the topic of your conversations to professional only. Do not entertain them beyond the compulsory timings. Show them their place in your life. Never allow them to overrule you. Avoid conflicts but always take a stand for yourself.

3. Allow Some Rest

A hard working fellow will surely be successful and an over hard working one will surely be a patient. It is good you are dedicated towards your work whether be it career or house chores, but, extremity is never good. Give yourself some time to reboot for the next day. Do not compromise your sleep and health routines for your work. It's your body which is going to take you to your aim. Treat it like a temple and keep it fit and clean.

4. Take a Compulsory Off Day 

I know we get weekends off. But do we really treat them like a break. No, absolutely no, the general approach towards weekend is either to party or to complete pending tasks. So, our weekends become the supplementary answer sheets to complete our answers. I am not going to ask you to leave your work pending, but firstly try not to have anything pending and secondly you can surely have at least two days in a month when you do nothing. You are right I said, NOTHING. Just sleep if you want to, watch a movie, go to spa, read a book go have a walk. But do nothing you count as work. Do anything you consider a leisure activity. Even when your heart and brain tell you to complete this or that task. Do not pay attention, and just do nothing. I recommend an off day every week but two days a month is a good start.

5. Organize your Week 

Organizing is a way of giving clear directions to your mind. It helps to achieve maximum productivity without missing deadlines. It gives you a clear picture of what your day and week is going to be like. This information will help you to arrange your free time accordingly. A good organization followed be consistency boosts your performance confidence and  gives you time to be prepared and ready beforehand. But, sudden engagements can also present themselves sometimes, in those cases do not panic, accommodate them in your schedule and just go with it. One fortunate day, this sudden event could be a TRIP to your favorite place too!! Enjoy my friend!

Workplaces are tricky to get used to. The never-ending politics, tactics like flattery, the strict timings and competition even among friends, all of this comes with the package. As long as we keep ourselves in right path it does not matter what others do. Accept the situation you are in, always keep tracking yourself and play the game with your own rules, you will never be disappointed.

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