Living Each Day Psychologically

 Living Each Day Psychologically

We have always been advised to live each day as it is our last and often being asked our last wishes that we will try to fulfil on that unfortunate day. We all will agree having a common wish, the wish to be happy. We desire to spend at-least our last day in most harmonious way. I always wonder people always wish to be happy but when it comes to take action to be one, they are ready to wait for their last day. My moto is "why wait for something to happen when we can create it now". A dedicated hard-work is the common element of all great things; hence it is obviously going to take tremendous strength to build a happy life. Let us begin our happy hard-work by following some achievable tasks.

1. Do Not Take Personally Everything

People say what people say! We all have done this sometime or the other, we have yelled at sibling because we were angry due to an argument we had earlier that day with our mom. See what i am trying to say is most of the time there is some hidden source of the words. Like jealousy drives harsh comments on other's success. In this scenario the jealousy of the person uttering those words should be highlighted rather than feeling hurt from their words. Pity them for they have to struggle with this malice. There is no reason to be upset because of what they say. Let them struggle. And when it comes to our family and friends, just try to be understanding a lot more and have a transparent communication.


2. Be Kind, Acts of Kindness Boost Confidence

Show kindness as much as you can. Everyone has their issues in life, everybody is dealing with something on a daily basis. Always remember to give as much space and empathy to everyone as you would like for yourself. Being kind does not mean to help beyond your capacity and damage your own soul. It means understanding the fact that you are not the one who can solve other's problem but surely can be by there side to provide support. A drop of faith can bring a stir in the ocean. Always show your faith to the people and help them believe in themselves. But, remember never lose your spark to light someone else's lamp, instead use your light to pour some shine to guide other's dark path.


3. Arrange Regular Meet-Ups with Friends and Family

We all have had great many fights with our parents only to be allowed to hang out with our friends a little more. Now, that you are an adult why have you forgotten that struggle and also the peace and fun you got when you were around your friends. It's time to reignite that thrill. Go! Hurry up! Pick up your phone and make a plan now! Friends bring the carefree side of us. We need to feel non-judged, say whatever first comes in our mouth and then laugh on that. Do stupid things and make memories. Each memory helps you to survive the moments of stress which are always ready to invade your castle of fun.


4. Ranting Is Good

It's true always discussing your problems is not only boring to people who hear you but also is a source of negativity for your own selves. But a heavy and spontaneous ranting is all you need to get everything irritating you out of your system. Always choose people in whom you have blind faith. Switch on the ranting mode and speak for 5 minutes straight. Do not filter what the words just blurt them out. You will find half of the things bothering you earlier seem to be unimportant after the rant session. This process has the success rate of 100% and give you a broader perspective after the chaotic picture is out of your brain. 

5. Kickstart Lost Hobbies and Discharge the Negative Energy

Half of the time we get anxious because we find ourselves trapped in a world where we are doing things only for money but not for ourselves. So, what's the wait. Bring out that harmonium start practicing your music or find that diary in which you wrote magical stories. It is necessary to be contended in life. Hobbies are not activities we do to pass time; they are the gifts endowed by God on us. They are our own sacred way of worshipping and having a peaceful space where it is just us and our thoughts. It is a way to spend time with yourself. If you think there is no time in your schedule, try taking only five minutes for your hobbies. Use that coffee break to read, draw or hum a song. If possible, try to merge your hobby and earning source into one entity.


6. Eat Healthy and Tasty

What goes in the stomach affects the working of the entire body. After all it is the fuel. Food is the fuel. Healthy eating habits take a long time to inculcate in your life but once they do there is never looking back. Monitor the food you eat, the way your body responds to certain type of food. Have at-least two appointments with a nutritionist and you will get to know what you need. Eating healthy is a choice that should be made as early as possible. Good food enhances our mood and we feel emotionally lighter all day.


7. Some Cheat Days Are Allowed

I know! I know! You are not a saint. I request you to have a cheat and eat whatever you want, but please there should be only one day of the month when you can eat junk. Okay, make it a little bit relaxing, eat the junk occasionally. For say, restrict yourself to eat un-healthy but a lot tastier food only on birthdays, parties and when you are unable to cook food at home. The reason behind this practice is, when you finally get to eat junk, it will give you thrill and happiness of getting a reward. After so many days of restricting when you finally allow yourself to eat your favourite food it will bring you a proud feeling of fulfilling a commitment from you to you that you honoured honestly. The validation comes from within and you just acknowledge your efforts. Kudos to you.

8. Push Yourself to Exercise And Start Meditation

It is a well known fact that exercise releases happy hormones, activates your metabolism and kills laziness. It is the free medicine that simultaneously brings both the physical and mental fitness. It helps you to get in sync with your body, after sometime you will start to even enjoy that part of the day. It will lead you to have a systematic routine which will organize your day which in turn bring your mind in order. And that sexy body that you are going to have, that I guess is the best prize of all the effort, right? Along-with a workout regime bring in the meditation part gradually. Meditation helps you gain self-awareness and self-control. The time you devote for meditation is the time you are deliberately choosing to sit in silence and avoid all that mayhem of the world. You can have introspection going on every time you sit to meditate or it could be the time you have a little chat with God. You can do anything that brings you peace.


We all have built a tightly scheduled life in which a bringing a slight change will cause something next to havoc. It is quite delusional to think that we can create the above-mentioned life the next morning itself. It is not possible. But what you can do is start with five minutes and go with the flow. If I denote 5 minutes to every task I mentioned above it is going to take only 40 minutes of your 24 hours. Trust me this much time you easily use in scrolling social media which only destroys your peace and health. Use this time for your well-being. Give a trial period of 3 months (it is free of cost) and you will definitely get results, but always remember consistency is the key. 


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