Managing Anxiety : When You Know The Triggers

 Managing Anxiety : When You Know The Triggers

In the previous post, I discussed the ways to find you triggers. This post discusses the measures we are going to take to prevent, manage and stop anxiety attacks.

Anxiety happens when we think too much about a situation not under our control. It is an overwhelming flood of thoughts that generate fear and irritation. This results in physical symptoms like breathlessness, shaking, vision issues, restlessness, sweating and heart palpitations. We start to feel helpless. But as long as we have identified the cause of our anxiety we can surely prevent, manage and cure our situation. 

Preventing Anxiety

Once you know the trigger, try to avoid getting involved with it. Let say your trigger is a movie scene or a song, in this case try to create a distance from them and do not indulge with them for some time. Or, if you are talking to someone and the conversation take a route towards your trigger topic, ask yourself to be calm, you know the impending danger and are totally capable of moving it in another direction. Start some new topic or excuse yourself from the group.
I know avoiding something is not a solution but it can definitely prevent damages. At least, till you are free from anxiety, understand yourself properly, gather all the weapons to fight it and get trained to face it with courage, I advice you to keep yourself away from it. It will give you time and space to get familiar with the situation.

Managing Anxiety

Even after avoiding the triggers, you get trapped by anxiety, don't worry, nothing is permanently damaged. When prevention fails management comes. First and foremost, always make yourself believe that you are the most capable of handling yourself, there is no one in this world who knows you better than you. Have faith in yourself and start looking for options to reduce the adverse effects. 

When you get anxiety try a technique called grounding. It uses your five senses and brings you back to reality. You are going to need a lot of determination and faith. Always remember mental illness is not suffered by weak but by those who have the gift of feelings and talent of empathizing with the world around them. People who can be so aware of their environment , who have the capabilities of  understanding others, surely have the courage to understand care for themselves. You have only lost touch with your inner self. 
So, back to GROUNDING
1. Name five objects that you can see right now. (sense of vision)
2. Name five types of smells you observe in your surroundings. (sense of smell)
3. List five phrases that you are hearing. ( sense of hearing)
4. Try to eat or drink something you love or just drink water.( sense of taste)
5. Wash your face or put your hands in water. (sense of touch)


When you get anxiety have deep breaths, sit somewhere cozy, and use your glimmers. Like triggers their antagonists are GLIMMERS. These are the actions, words, sounds, videos, topics, etc. that bring you peace and calm. They make you happy. And the procedure to find your glimmers is the same as your triggers, the only difference is you look out for the things that bring you joy.

Stopping Anxiety Attacks

The very first thing to understand that every wound takes sometime to heal, even if a lot of medicines are applied there is a duration required for the injury to mend itself permanently. Similarly with any for of mental illness you need to be patient and allow yourself the time to heal. You have to treat yourself as your own child, take care and be lenient.
Steps to stop anxiety attacks are as follow:

1. Follow the prevention and management techniques tirelessly. Do not cease any effort even if you do not get result sometimes. Here consistence is the main key, and throughout this process try to learn about yourself as much as you can. There is no cure for mental issues other than discovering yourself and then handling the situation.

2. Now that you know your triggers, try to understand the situation. You know the actual situation that led you here. If possible mend the scenario. Sometimes an unresolved fight on certain issue with your parents becomes the cause of anxiety, try to discuss the situation with them and resolve it. And while doing this keep in mind that they are people too and they could have no understanding of some subjects sometimes. That does not mean you have to put your foot down, but at-least try to make them understand and if they do not leave the situation with an understanding that you did your best. Now continue with life on your terms. 
Like this every situation can be handled and you can get a closure.

3. Go to a therapist or a counsellor before going to a psychiatrist. the former ones help you to reach your goal without having much focus on medicines that provide a temporary relief.

4. Try to indulge yourself in activities that require physical actions. Be it a sport, game, etc. The activities should be outdoor. But, if you are not in a stage of going out even if you push yourself, don't put pressure, start any creative activity like painting, drawing, stitching, embroidery, crochet, video making, anything. Handle your self with care and love. Restart working on your forgotten hobbies.

5. Set boundaries with people who bring out the worst in you. These people are devils in disguise. Be as far as possible from them. 

6. Try not to be bothered by other's opinion of you. People are always there to demotivate you when you don't live you life according to the parameters set by them. Save yourself from falling into their trap and live the way which is best for you.

7. Take signals from your body. Once you get in touch with your inner rhythm, your body will talk to you and tell you what it needs. Since your brain is also a part of your body, it will tell you when it needs rest, when it needs action and when you are perfectly fine. In this process the initial work to attain this communication is a little bit tough, but when you reach their there is never looking back. You know the signal your stomach gives when you are hungry, it is the smallest example in this reference. When you will achieve the highest communication level your body will tell you things like when you need mental rest and what actions will help you to achieve this, when do you need to sleep,  when do you require to move out of your comfort zone, when there is a probability of you getting sick, while being sick you need fluids or solids, etc. Hear your inner voice and you will know your next step towards an all round health.

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