Anxiety triggers: How to Identify Them

Anxiety triggers:  How to Identify Them

Anxiety is emerging like an alien from other world. It suddenly attacks us and captures our mind , consumes our thoughts, energy and time. It demolishes us through a double attack and destroys our mental as well as physical health. Almost every-day we are at risk of getting anxiety. I can tell you a number of exercises to " REDUCE ITS EFFECTS" but ask yourself, is it a solution or an escape from the problem?

In my opinion it is an escape.

The solution lies only in learning about the root cause of the troubling issue. In psychology a term “TRIGGER” is used. It describes all the simulations (actions, words, feelings, scenes, etc.) that lead you to feel uneasy and eventually you become a prey of anxiety monster.

So, what should we do to find the origin of this anxiety earthquake. I tell you, we need to follow only THREE STEPS.

  1. Try to be aware about yourself

Do not just eat, work, sleep and repeat. Be a person who lives and experience every emotion in full. Whenever you feel any emotion try to embrace it, sit with it and acknowledge it. Try to be aware of what and when you feel. We all have a heart and brain, for once let them work together, allow them to communicate.

  1. Find out why are you feeling this way

When you are finally be able to sit with your emotions, start talking with your soul and body as if you will talk to your assistant about your day. There are two effects of everything that we experience, one can be seen outside through our face and bodily posture and the second is what our conscience feels. Former is the outcome of social conditioning and the latter is the real self -world. Anxiety originates when they both work antagonistically with each other . So, to perform the second step towards knowing your trigger, think about the real feeling and analyse how it was caused. It could be some words said by somebody or some action, a movie scene , anything.

  1. Accept the real reason

After finding the how of your emotions, dig deep into analysis, like you dig deep into a gossip.

Let say you found about Ross and Rachel's break up, you will ask your friend what happened, and she told you that Ross forgot Rachel's birthday, you will think it is not a thing to break up, but then you tried to find out why it bothered Rachel so much. You got know that Rachel's parents were always into work and never remembered her birthday, it left her feeling abandoned. When Ross did the same thing, she once again felt abandoned and it disturbed her up-to such extent.

To make it easy, ask yourself - when did I first felt like this? Since this trigger gives you anxiety it is surely related to a situation you remember but neglected for a long time. The answer to this question is the trigger you are looking for all the time.

Note it down or keep in mind till my next post.


I hope you liked this three-step guide to find your anxiety tiggers. Next post will discuss the ways to deal with triggers. Stay Tuned!


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